Karja Suchana Kendra Limited is one of the oldest Credit Information Bureau in the SAARC region and was established in May 1989 with the sole objective of...
Credit Information Bureau (CIB, Nepal)
Karja Suchana Kendra Limited is one of the oldest Credit Information Bureau in the SAARC region and was established in May 1989 with the sole objective of restraining the growth of the Non Performing Assets of the Banking and Financial sector of the country that was increasing alarmingly during the period.
Later, it got registered as the Company in 2004 under the Company Act 2053 and started its operation as the independent and autonomous entity from March 2005.
It operates through provisions made in NRB Act 2058, Article 88. It is a public limited company with banks and financial institutions holding majority of equity (90%) while the rest (10%) is held by Nepal Rastra Bank.
KSKL currently has 62 promoter shareholders including 22 commercial Banks, 7 Development Banks, 32 Finance Companies and Nepal Rastra Bank.
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CIC was established in 1984 integrating three credit information bureaus from separate industries, by joint investment of credit companies.
Credit Information Center (CIC, Japan)
CIC was established in 1984 integrating three credit information bureaus from separate industries, by joint investment of credit companies.
As the only Designated Credit Bureau in Japan under both the Installment Sales Act and the Money Lending Business Act, CIC is working as a driving force for the sound development of consumer credit society through its activities to collect, store and provide consumer credit information, and make disclosure to consumers.
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The National Credit Information Centre of Vietnam of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) is the public credit registry in Vietnam, which has functions of ...
National Credit Information Centre (CIC, Vietnam)
The National Credit Information Centre of Vietnam of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) is the public credit registry in Vietnam, which has functions of (i) credit registry; (ii) collecting, processing, storing, and analyzing credit information; (iii) preventing and limiting credit risk; (iv) commercial rating and consumer scoring with the aims of supporting SBV supervision functions and (v) providing credit information services pursuant to SBV’s regulation and Vietnamese law.
CIC’s immense database maintains information on over 38 million borrowers, with the participation of 100% of credit institutions in Vietnam, over 1,100 people's credit funds and micro-finance institutions as well as other organizations inside and outside the banking system. The information is updated both on regular and ad-hoc basis under modern technology infrastructure with advanced automatic information collecting and processing methods.
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Joint Credit Information Center (JCIC) was established in 1975 under the Bankers Association of Taipei, and made responsible for collecting, processing,...
Joint Credit Information Center (JCIC, Taiwan)
Joint Credit Information Center (JCIC) was established in 1975 under the Bankers Association of Taipei, and made responsible for collecting, processing, and exchanging credit data among financial institutions.
In 17 years of operation, JCIC kept on expanding its scope of business. As a result, the Bankers Association of Taipei decided in 1992 to donate all the operating surplus of JCIC and transform it into a non-profit foundation.
The new JCIC continues to serve its member institutions by providing accurate and quality credit information on a user pay basis.
The JCIC is the first credit-reporting agency in Asia that collects both positive and negative credit information about individuals and enterprises
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Korea Credit Information Services was established in 2016* as the sole credit registry in Korea, licensed by the Financial Service Commission under the “Cre...
Korea Credit Information Services (KCIS, Korea)
Korea Credit Information Services was established in 2016* as the sole credit registry in Korea, licensed by the Financial Service
Commission under the “Credit Information Use and Protection Act.”
* In 1955 the Bank of Korea started gathering and sharing delinquency information between banks. In 1982 this function was
transferred to the Korea Federation of Banks, which was designated as the credit registry. Then, in 2016, the credit registry within
the KFB was separated and established as the KCIS.
We are the only credit registry in the world that manages credit, insurance, and technology information all under one roof,
centralizing and managing data from public agencies and about 4,000 financial institutions ranging from banks to insurers,
credit card companies, securities firms, financial companies and credit cooperatives.
We serve as the backbone of Korea’s credit reporting system by providing centralized information to financial institutions, public
agencies, and credit bureaus in order to support their assessment of a borrower's creditworthiness and in managing risk.
Furthermore, we conduct big-data analysis, and as a designated special agency for de-identification, we support financial
institutions and businesses in the de-identification of personal data.
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In 2005, Central Credit Information Services Co., Ltd. merged the business with Thai Credit Bureau Co., Ltd. and the company name was changed to National...
National Credit Bureau (NCB, Thailand)
In 2005, Central Credit Information Services Co., Ltd. merged the business with Thai Credit Bureau Co., Ltd. and the company name was changed to National Credit Bureau Co., Ltd. or “NCB” on 19 May 2005. The proportion of the shareholders after the merger consists of Thai commercial banks hold the same proportion of the shares totaling 24.5%. Business Online Public Company Limited and TransUnion Inc. hold the same proportion of 12.25% totaling 24.5%. And, Government Housing Bank holds 15%, and PCC Capital Co., Ltd. holds 15% of the shares. Another 21% are held by government financial institutes including Government Savings Bank, Dhipaya Insurance, and Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand hold the share proportion of 9%, 6% and 6% respectively.
NCB is now the only one private credit bureau in Thailand, and operates its business under the Credit Information Business Act B.E.2545. It provides both consumer credit reporting, corporate credit reporting, credit scoring as well as statistical report services. Besides being one of the infrastructures for financial system and preventing debt Tsunami, NCB also focuses on financial literacy by regularly giving public education.
NCB currently has more than 90 members including commercial banks, state-own financial institutions, credit card companies, consumer finance, and leasing companies. With over 100 million accounts, including consumer and corporate loans, NCB is the largest credit information center in the country.
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Association of Credit Reporting Agencies (ACRA, Malaysia) Go to the Website
Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka (CRIB) which is the first Credit Bureau in the South Asian region was established by the Credit Information Bureau of ...
Credit Information Bureau (CRIB, Sri Lanka)
Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka (CRIB) which is the first Credit Bureau in the South Asian region was established by the Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka Act No. 18 of 1990 (CRIB Act). An initiative of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Ministry of Finance, CRIB was a response to the 1980’s debt crisis in the country.
CRIB is a public-private partnership, with the Central Bank holding the majority of equity while the rest is held by other shareholder member lending institutions of the Bureau.
CRIB currently has 78 shareholders, including all Licensed Commercial Banks, Specialized Banks, Finance Companies, Leasing Companies, few other institutions which have been declared as lending institutions for the purpose of the CRIB Act and the Central Bank. The chairman of the Board is always a Deputy Governor of the Central Bank and the remaining board seats are shared between the shareholder member lending institutions.
Our responsibility is to provide an efficient and effective credit information services and other value added services to the members by using a state-of-the-art technology and enable easy and fast access to credit while minimising non-performing loan levels.
CRIB maintains credit information on over 8 million people which covers 69% of the adult population in the country.
CRIB currently has 91 shareholders, including all licensed Commercial banks, Specialized banks, Finance companies, Leasing companies, few other institutions which have been declared as lending institutions for the purpose of the Act and the Central Bank. The chairman of the Board is always a deputy governor of the Central Bank and the remaining board seats are shared between the lending institutions.
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PEFINDO Credit Bureau is a Credit Information Management Institution (LPIP) or also known as a Private Credit Bureau as per Bank Indonesia regulation...
PEFINDO Credit Bureau (PEFINDO, Indonesia)
PEFINDO Credit Bureau is a Credit Information Management Institution (LPIP) or also known as a Private Credit Bureau as per Bank Indonesia regulation no.15/1/PBI/2013 concerning Credit Information Management Institutions, which was subsequently converted into Financial Services Authority regulation no. 42/POJK.03/2019 concerning Credit Information Management Institutions, which was then perfected through Financial Services Authority regulation no. 5/POJK.03/2022 concerning Credit Information Management Institutions. PEFINDO Credit Bureau obtained an operational permit from the Financial Services Authority on December 22, 2015 and started commercial operations on March 27 2017 through the launch of a credit score and report product.
PEFINDO Credit Bureau was initiated by PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO), Indonesia’s leading credit rating agency with more than 20 years’ experience in credit rating and managing sensitive, confidential data. The current shareholders of PEFINDO Credit Bureau are PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO), PT Bursa Efek indonesia, PT Pegadaian, PT Cahaya Teknologi Optima Sejahtera (CTOS), Dana Pensiun Bank Indonesia, PT Sigma Cipta Caraka (Telkomsigma), PT TASPEN (Persero), PT Consumer Information Consulting, Asosiasi Perusahaan Pembiayaan Indonesia (APPI).
PEFINDO Credit Bureau operates by collecting credit data from financial institutions and non-credit data from several public agencies and institutions as our partners. The data is then processed and presented in the form of comprehensive and value-added information.
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Credit Bureau Cambodia(CBC) is the leading provider of financial information, analytical skills, and credit reporting services to fiancial institutions and consumers in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Credit Bureau Cambodia (CBC, Cambodia)
Credit Bureau Cambodia (CBC) is the leading provider of financial information, analytical solutions, and credit reporting services to financial institutions and consumers in the Kingdom of Cambodia. Since 2012, CBC has been assisting customers in managing the risks and rewards of commercial and financial decisions through a range of solutions: Consumer Credit Report, Commercial Credit Report, K-Score, Data Analytics Report, Credit Risk Heat Map, Portfolio Monitoring Service, Portfolio Review Service, Digital Real Estate Appraisal and Customized Solutions.
As of June 2024, CBC serves a member base of 195 financial institutions including Commercial Banks, Specialized Banks, Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions, Micro-Finance Institutions, Leasing Companies and Rural Credit Institutions. With credit history data of more than 7 million consumers, CBC’s credit reporting system covers 70% of adult population in the country.
In the context of increased global mobility of workforce, CBC is committed to promoting seamless access to credit reporting information when people move to a new country. CBC pioneered the first bilateral cross-border credit report sharing mechanism in Southeast Asia in collaboration with Credit Bureau Singapore in 2023. Currently, CBC is in the process of expanding cross-border initiatives with South Korea and other countries in the region.
As a key financial data infrastructure in the country, CBC plays an active role in Data4Good initiatives through policy impact research, financial industry monitoring, annual loan situation reports and quarterly credit market publications, to name a few. As a socially driven company, CBC has been implementing a comprehensive financial inclusion roadmap since 2021 along three major dimensions of responsible lending, gender-inclusive access to finance and financial education.
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The credit Information Corporation(CIC) was established in 2008 and is the sole public credit registry in the Philippines.
Credit Information Corporation (CIC, Philippine)
The Credit Information Corporation (CIC), a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC), was established in 2008 by virtue of Republic Act No. 9510 or the Credit Information System Act, to be the sole public credit registry in the Philippines. Its mandate is to establish a comprehensive and centralized credit information system for the collection and dissemination of fair and accurate information relevant to, or arising from, credit and credit-related activities of all entities participating in the ecosystem.
CIC regulates credit bureaus which are accredited to access its database, enforces the mandatory data submissions of lenders, onboards entities interested to access its credit database, and resolves disputes involving the accuracy of borrowers’ data. In line with ease of doing business principles, all registration and accreditation processes of CIC are entirely done online. Key programs include the Direct-to-Consumer program (D2C), which empowers borrowers to access their full credit report directly from their preferred lender, and CIC Academy, a continuing nationwide financial education campaign aimed at raising awareness on the benefits of the credit information system.
The CIC database is the largest and most diverse credit database in the Philippines, containing both positive and negative credit information of over 59 million unique individuals, or 74% of the Philippine adult population. CIC collects this data from over 1,000 lenders including all banks, credit cards, telecommunications, non-bank lenders such as financing and lending companies, microfinance institutions, online lending platforms (OLPs), and government financial institutions, among others.
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